It’s a question I get a lot from small, medium and even large business owners when it comes to the status of their social media accounts. When things aren’t going quite the way you’d hope, sometimes it can be tough to figure out why.


1. Sporadic Updates

The coolness of social is the real time aspect. What are you doing right now? If you’re not sharing your activity enough your audience may move on.

2. You go update overboard:

The end of the spectrum. You’re an update monster! Strategies for posting updates are always a good plan. Think about relative things to say that excite and interest your visitors.

3. You’re not providing enough value:

Value is key.

4. You don’t respond to others:

Be a team player. if someone is talking to you, talk back. Create a conversation.

5. Pushy sales:

Soft sells are best. If you push your product too hard, your audience will find it offensive.

6. You’re hiding from your customers:

Make it known! This is really important, get your name out there, let your audience know where you are and how they can be a part of the scene.


Lisa over at Small Business Trends goes into this in greater detail on how you’re being ignored on social media.